Disposal Schedule

Please refer to Help > Usage > Disposal policies for more information about disposal schedules.

1. Configure RODA to show fields in retention trigger element identifier

The retention trigger element identifier is populated using the advanced search field items. From those fields the ones that have date_interval type will be selected and used in the calculation of retention period. Please refer to Help > Usage > Advanced search for more information about add a new advanced search field item.

Disposal rule

Please refer to Help > Usage > Disposal policies for more information about disposal rules.

1. Configure RODA to show fields in selection method ‘metadata field’

The metadata field is populated using the advanced search field items. From those fields the ones that have text type will be selected. RODA can be configured to ignore some of these fields. In order to do that, change your roda-wui.properties to add a new blacklist metadata. By default, RODA shows all text type descriptive metadata.

ui.disposal.rule.blacklist.condition = description

Please refer to Help > Usage > Advanced search for more information about add a new advanced search field item.

Please refer to Help > Configuration > Metadata formats for more information about descriptive metadata configuration on RODA.